Abram Vincent Carlberg was born on March 27, 2020. Abram was an extremely happy baby and toddler. Very active, very healthy and very cute. When he turned two, his parents noticed his genitals were an abnormal size for his age. His doctor was concerned and sent them to a specialist. It was confirmed that Abram was going through precocious puberty. They didn’t think much of it, until they were told about the usual culprit. A cancerous tumor that releases puberty inducing hormones. They were told that it was extremely likely Abram had cancer. Abram went through a series of tests to find the culprit. Everything was clear, except for a small spot in his brain. They had to wait for it to grow so it could be biopsied. It grew extremely slow which was a great sign. Whatever it was, they knew it wasn’t aggressive. It finally did grow and the neurosurgeon was able to remove it in its entirety! His treatment plan has 4 rounds of chemo and 5 weeks of daily radiation to his brain. Since he’s not able to remain still, he has to be sedated each time. Through it all, Abram has remained a very happy and vivacious little boy. Through the needles, the brain surgery, the scary machines, the vomit inducing treatments, the hair loss, etc., he next to never complains. He is indeed a warrior.